Installing breeze
I want to install Laravel Breeze on laravel 9 project but this is the error message I have been getting .How can i solve this please
I want to install Laravel Breeze on laravel 9 project but this is the error message I have been getting .How can i solve this please
create request form code:-public function rules(): array { //dd('coming'); return [ 'station_id' => ['required', function ($attribute, $value, $fail) { if ($value == 0) { $fail("Please Select Station"); } }], 'NO' => ['required', 'regex:/^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3})?$/'], 'NO2' => ['required', 'between:0,99.99','min:1', 'max:6'], 'NOx' => ['required', 'between:0,99.99','min:1', 'max:6'], 'NH3' => ['required', 'between:0,99.99','min:1', 'max:6'], 'SO2' => ['required', 'between:0,99.99','min:1', 'max:6'], 'CO' => ['required', 'between:0,99.99','min:1', 'max:6'], 'O3' => ['required', 'between:0,99.99','min:1', 'max:6'], 'PM25' => ['required', 'between:0,99.99','min:1', 'max:6'], 'PM10' => ['required', 'between:0,99.99','min:1', 'max:6'], 'airquality' => ['required', function ($attribute, $value, $fail) { if ($value == 0) { $fail("Please Select Airquality"); } }], 'AQI' => ['required','min:2','max:3'], //'AQI' => ['required','min:2','max:3','regex:/^\d{3}$/'], //'AQI' => ['required|numeric|max:3', 'regex:/^\d+(\.\d{1,2})?$/'], 'status' => ['required','boolean'] ]; } public function messages() { return [ 'NO.required' => 'NO field is required and should be decimal.', 'NO2.required' => 'NO2 field is required and should be decimal.', 'NOx.required' => 'NOx field is required and should be decimal.', 'NH3.required' => 'NH3 field is required and should be decimal.', 'SO2.required' => 'SO2 field is required and should be decimal.', 'CO.required' => 'CO field is required and should be decimal.', 'O3.required' => 'O3 field is required and should be decimal.', 'PM25.required' => 'PM25 field is required and should be decimal.', 'PM10.required' => 'PM10 field is required and should be decimal.', 'AQI.required' => 'AQI field is required and should be decimal.', ]; }Controller:-public function store(CreateRequest $request) { try{ //$validatedData = $request->validated(); DB::beginTransaction(); Airquality::create([ 'station_id' => $request->station_id, 'NO' => $request->NO, 'NO2' => $request->NO2, 'NOx' => $request->NOx, 'NH3' => $request->NH3, 'SO2' => $request->SO2, 'CO' => $request->CO, 'O3' => $request->O3, 'PM25' => $request->PM25, 'PM10' => $request->PM10, 'airquality' => $request->airquality, 'AQI' => $request->AQI, 'status' => $request->status ]); DB::commit(); } catch(\Exception $ex){ DB::rollback(); dd($ex->getMessage()); } session()->flash('alert-success', 'Airquality Created Successfully'); return to_route('airqualities.index'); }
Please tell me easy method and full code for making laravel websites containing Admin login and User login ?
i want to ask that if we want to make APIs or REST APIs , we will have to make seperate API for each web or one API is sufficient for each Website
With throttle I am not allow to login for 30 min but ratelimiter after 5 attempts give throttle error in dd() after that no working and not go in condition
Please help me to solve the issue. I have tried many methods to solve it but failed. This is the issue that I can face again and again.(The POST method is not supported for route admin/categories/create. Supported methods: GET, HEAD).
1. My Event creation is showing me request array, i need to refresh the page for checking the event generated, showing the server error as well.2. Event drop is not working showing the server error.3. when i want to edit the event using eventclick , it is creating a new event instead of editing the current event and also showing the server error.attaching the screenshot of controller code.
PS C:\xampp\htdocs\hr> composer require maatwebsite/excel Info from #StandWithUkraine./composer.json has been updatedRunning composer update maatwebsite/excelLoading composer repositories with package informationUpdating dependenciesNothing to modify in lock fileInstalling dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)Package operations: 1 install, 38 updates, 0 removals Failed to download symfony/polyfill-ctype from dist: The zip extension and unzip/7z commands are both missing, skipping.The php.ini used by your command-line PHP is: C:\xampp\php\php.ini Now trying to download from source - Syncing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.28.0) into cache Failed to download symfony/polyfill-php80 from dist: The zip extension and unzip/7z commands are both missing, skipping.The php.ini used by your command-line PHP is: C:\xampp\php\php.ini Now trying to download from source - Syncing symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.28.0) into cache Failed to download symfony/polyfill-php83 from dist: The zip extension and unzip/7z commands are both missing, skipping.The php.ini used by your command-line PHP is: C:\xampp\php\php.ini Now trying to download from source - Syncing symfony/polyfill-php83 (v1.28.0) into cache Failed to download symfony/polyfill-mbstring from dist: The zip extension and unzip/7z commands are both missing, skipping.The php.ini used by your command-line PHP is: C:\xampp\php\php.ini Now trying to download from source - Syncing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.28.0) into cache Failed to download symfony/http-foundation from dist: The zip extension and unzip/7z commands are both missing, skipping.The php.ini used by your command-line PHP is: C:\xampp\php\php.ini Now trying to download from source - Syncing symfony/http-foundation (v6.3.4) into cache Failed to download guzzlehttp/psr7 from dist: The zip extension and unzip/7z commands are both missing, skipping.The php.ini used by your command-line PHP is: C:\xampp\php\php.ini Now trying to download from source - Syncing guzzlehttp/psr7 (2.6.1) into cache Failed to download guzzlehttp/guzzle from dist: The zip extension and unzip/7z commands are both missing, skipping.The php.ini used by your command-line PHP is: C:\xampp\php\php.ini Now trying to download from source - Syncing guzzlehttp/guzzle (7.8.0) into cache Failed to download guzzlehttp/uri-template from dist: The zip extension and unzip/7z commands are both missing, skipping.The php.ini used by your command-line PHP is: C:\xampp\php\php.ini Now trying to download from source - Syncing guzzlehttp/uri-template (v1.0.2) into cache Failed to download laravel/pint from dist: The zip extension and unzip/7z commands are both missing, skipping.The php.ini used by your command-line PHP is: C:\xampp\php\php.ini Now trying to download from source - Syncing laravel/pint (v1.13.1) into cache