Github actions to deploy laravel application on shared hosting
I've setup github actions on my project and its working fine, apart from one issue, its taking too long to sync file changes. I've watched your video series on github actions and some other youtubers and kind of mixed the approaches. I've cached the composer dependencies so they won't be installing on every run, thereby reducing the files to sync. Now, one thing it takes a lot of time to push the changes as you can see. Is there any other way to reduce this time...Also one other thing, I've migrated the project from Laravel 10 to Laravel 11 and in the Low Impact changes section, there's a package named Doctrine which they say is no longer being used in the Laravel. I wanna ask if is it safe to remove that package & whats' the best way to remove it. Currently, in my mind, I can think of only removing it from composer.json and then run composer update.Is this a right approach?