Graphql filter sortring and get issue

  Mon 08 / 05 / 2023

  Posted by: +923105741095

Category : Laravel

Tags : laravel , web , backend

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issue is that i am not get items base on filters code is mentioned above 

this is schema define in


 item_get(id: ID!): Item!
    items(page: Int! = 0, limit: Int! = 10, sort_orders: [SortOrderInput!] = [], filters: [Filter Input!]): PaginatedItemResponse
i test on postman api for test screenshot is mentioned below

View Code

namespace App\GraphQL\Queries;
use App\Helper\Util;
use App\Models\Item;
final class Items
     * @param  null  $_
     * @param  array{}  $args
    public function __invoke($_, array $args)
        $query = Item::query();
        $options = [
            'aliases' => [
                'name' => 'name'
            'search_fields' => ['name'],

        $result = Util::queryList($args, $options, $query);
        return $result;

 item_get(id: ID!): Item!
    items(page: Int! = 0, limit: Int! = 10, sort_orders: [SortOrderInput!] = [], filters: [FilterInput!]): PaginatedItemResponse
  Answered by CDL

You can achieve this using Laravel Eloquent, by using where and asc desc. We are not sure about the query.

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