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Clear text password submission in login page

Actually i am getting issue regarding Clear text password submission in login page. could u please provide me any way in login page so that no one can see my entered password.

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Laravel blade page not working

my code not working showing only a blank page i am also trying (php artisan cache:clear) and (php artisan view:clear) but still same problem not showing anything if i am use @include then showing 500 error please help me what i do

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Images store

I am using laravel spatie package for image I wanted to ask that currently I am storing images in the local storage but when I wanted to deploy a website should I store images in local storage or use any other cloud image storage like Amazon S3 , need your guidance, thank you

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Problem solution

Bhai mere sath jo problem arahi hay uska may nay screenshot lia hay over wo apko bejh raha ho is masle ka hall bataye mehrabani hogi.may laraval sekhna chahta ho par  mere sath aik error ata hay usko kaise solve karo.

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Session using api

my project is an expense tracker, its backend in working using laravel and front using bootstrap(no framework used)using axios api calls communication is happeningissue:i need to display username in index.html (at k.anderson) using session i tried my level best.could you pls help me to solve this issue

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Auth role based authentications

 //Route::resource('/nwqs', NationalWaterQualityController::class);  This route is not working if i add this code in below sectionRoute::prefix('auth')->middleware(['auth','isAdmin','isUser'])->group(function(){    Route::resource('/nwqs', NationalWaterQualityController::class); });I just want to access this route in both admin as well as user section. 

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My data is not updated of user table

I just want to update user information like its role but it's not updated. When we save successful message showing but record not updated

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Html rendering

I am using Tinymice to store the content of blog posts, and that is working fine for me but I have read at Stack Overflow that it is not safe to use for XSS attacks, What alternative would you recommend?

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